Good Horsemanship

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While drinking my morning cup of tea I watched a horse training video on YouTube by a very well-known trainer. I did what I always do when watching a training clip on the internet. I watched the video with the sound turned off. Then I watched it again with the sound turned on. Afterwards, I felt like I had just watched 2 different videos.

The first run-through allowed me to focus on the horse’s reaction to everything it was being asked by the trainer. I was able to see the horse’s thoughts. The second viewing gave me the trainer’s thoughts. In my estimation, what the horse was doing and what the trainer said the horse was doing were miles apart.

This seems to be very common regarding videos on the internet.

All professionals have a product to sell and we use tools like videos to sell that product. Some professionals have the gift of salesmanship. They talk a good talk and they have a slick video production crew, etc. Yet, others rely on their skills as good horse people.

It’s difficult not to be distracted by the salesmanship. Which is why I strongly urge you to watch a video twice. The first time, watch it with no sound so you are not distracted by the noise and can focus on watching how the horse reacts. Then watch it again with the sound turned on. See if what you thought you saw in the first viewing comes close to what the trainer is saying in the second viewing.

This is a great way to both improve your powers of observation and reading horses. And it can help you avoid being distracted by what somebody else is telling what you are suppose to think.

Turn off the noise first.